Oil Painting Workshops
One Day Workshops with Specific TopicsOil Painting Workshops Details and Pre-Booking
at Cedar Farm, Mawdesley, Nr Ormskirk L40 3SY
Oil Painting Workshops
Learn and discover the Classical Atelier method of Oil Painting or indulge in a more modern and contemporary style of oil painting. From Impressionism to Alla Prima, I (Chris) offer quality art instruction at an affordable price, through Workshops, Classes, Plein Air Painting Days and downloadable exercise programmes.
Each workshop is designed to introduce you to the fundamentals of Oil Painting and develop your knowledge and skills with a brush.
Booking & Registration
To reserve and book your course: Select your chosen Workshop from the list provided below. (To view the course details, select/click on the + toggle icon. This will open/expand the content for you to view).
When you have decided upon your course and dates, select the Online Payment link located next to the course title and follow the prompted instructions to enter your details. Payment can be made by either debit or credit cards using our secure online payment gateway.
To ensure the best quality tuition, each workshop is limited to only 6 places, unless otherwise stated. (Please Note: Full Payment is needed to secure your place).
Oil Painting Workshops Programme for September 2021 – August 2022

A Beginners Introduction to Oil Painting Workshop 2021
Time: Saturday 2nd October 2021 at 10am – 4pm
Location: Course’s Room, Cedar Farm, Back Lane, Mawdesley L40 3SY
Cost: £110 per person, which includes materials.
Workshop Details:
A beginners Introduction to Oil Painting, is a one day Workshop aimed at those students who have never worked with, or tried, Oil Painting before. It offers you the opportunity to try and explore the medium without the hassle of having to purchase all the materials and painting equipment and before committing to a class. It is appropriate for anyone, whether you are an experienced watercolour or acrylic painter, a complete novice, or simply want to develop you current knowledge and skills with a brush.
During the day we will cover:
• An explanation of the tools and materials you use and their purpose
• How to see and look correctly, directly from observation
• A basic introduction to drawing Skills
• How to mix tone and evaluate a tonal range correctly
• The application of paint (How to apply paint to the surface)
• How to create a simple painting in Oil and the benefits of painting directly from observation
• How to clean your oil painting tools correctly
• All the materials are provided, but we do break for lunch and this is not provided. Although the lovely cafe is open 10am – 4pm or alternatively you are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Extra Notes:
• The Course begins at 10am and the doors will be open from 9:30am for you to arrive and get settled. There is also free onsite parking.
• I recommend wearing old clothes or a painting pinny, as Oil Paint does tend to travel sometimes.
• Tea and Coffee is available throughout the day.
• We break for lunch at 12:30pm until 13:15pm and resume class until 4 pm.
• This Workshop has 6 places available.
• You will also need a method for transporting your wet Oil Painting home after the course. I usually suggest a cardboard box that can fit a 12” x 16” canvas board inside.

A Beginners Introduction to Oil Painting Workshop 2022
Time: Saturday 15th January 2022 at 10am – 4pm
Location: Courses Room, Cedar Farm, Back Lane, Mawdesley L40 3SY
Cost: £110 per person, which includes materials.
Workshop Details:
A Beginners Introduction to Oil Painting, is a one day Workshop aimed at those students who have never worked with, or tried, Oil Painting before. It offers you the opportunity to try and explore the medium, without the hassle of having to purchase all the materials and painting equipment, before committing to a class. It is appropriate for anyone, whether you are an experienced watercolour or acrylic painter, a complete novice, or simply want to develop you current knowledge and skills with a brush.
During the day we will cover:
• An explanation of the tools and materials you use and their purpose
• How to see and look correctly, directly from observation
• A basic introduction to drawing Skills
• How to mix tone and evaluate a tonal range correctly
• The application of paint (How to apply paint to the surface)
• How to create a simple painting in Oil and the benefits of painting directly from observation
• How to clean your oil painting tools correctly
• All the materials are provided, but we do break for lunch and this is not provided. Although the lovely cafe is open 10am – 4pm or alternatively you are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Extra Notes:
• The Course begins at 10am and the doors will be open from 9:30 am for you to arrive and get settled. There is also free onsite parking.
• I recommend wearing old clothes or a painting pinny, as Oil Paint does tend to travel sometimes.
• Tea and Coffee is available throughout the day.
• We break for lunch at 12:30pm until 13:15pm and resume class until 4 pm.
• This Workshop has 6 places available.
• You will also need a method for transporting your wet Oil Painting home after the course. I usually suggest a cardboard box that can fit a 12” x 16” canvas board inside.

A Beginners Introduction to Colour Mixing / Theory Workshop 2022
Colour Theory Still Life Class
Time: Saturday 5th February 2022 at 10am – 4pm
Location: Course’s Room, Cedar Farm, Back Lane, Mawdesley L40 3SY
Cost: £110 per person, which includes materials.
Workshop Details:
A Beginners Introduction to Colour Theory is the next step after the Beginners Introduction to Oil Painting. This a one day Workshop aimed at those students who would like to have a better understanding of colour and how it works. Whether you are an Oil Painter or Water-colourist, this offers you the opportunity to truly investigate each pigment’s different characteristics and how to utilise classical colour knowledge with modern colour knowledge.
During the day we will cover:
• An explanation of the tools and materials you use and their purpose
• How to plan your painting
• How to organise your palette for colour mixing
• Create Colour charts for future reference
• How to mix tone and evaluate a colour tonal range correctly
• How to choose your colours and judge their value in creating colour harmonies
• How to create a simple painting in Oil using colour and exploring the benefits of painting directly from observation
• How to clean your oil painting tools correctly
• All the materials are provided, but we do break for lunch and this is not provided. Although the lovely cafe is open 10am – 4pm or alternatively you are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Extra Notes:
• The Course begins at 10am and the doors will be open from 9:30am for you to arrive and get settled. There is also free onsite parking.
• I recommend wearing old clothes or a painting pinny, as Oil Paint does tend to travel sometimes.
• Tea and Coffee is available throughout the day.
• We break for lunch at 12:30pm until 13:15pm and resume class until 4pm.
• This Workshop has 6 places available.
• You will also need a method for transporting your wet Oil Painting home after the course. I usually suggest a cardboard box that can fit a 12” x 16” canvas board inside.

Open Studio Painting Day for Students 2022 - MARCH
Time: Saturday 19th March 2022 at 10am – 4pm
Location: Course’s Room, Cedar Farm, Back Lane, Mawdesley L40 3SY
Cost: £35 per person
Workshop Details:
The Open Studio day is for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced painter, just bring your paints, come along and paint. The idea is simple, it’s a day where you can use the studio in which to paint along side our other students, mingle, chat, asks questions, and also get help with your painting from myself (Chris).
During the day we will cover:
• This is entirely up to you, it’s your day and is about what you want to learn with your painting.
• We break for lunch around 12:30 pm and this is not provided. Although the lovely cafe is open 10am – 4pm or alternatively you are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Extra Notes:
• The day begins at 10am and the doors will be open from 9:30am for you to arrive and get settled. There is also free onsite parking.
• Tea and Coffee is provided throughout the day.
• We break for lunch at 12:30pm until 13:15pm and resume until 4 pm.

Open Studio Painting Day for Students 2022 - JUNE
Time: Saturday 18th June 2022 at 10am – 4pm
Location: Course’s Room, Cedar Farm, Back Lane, Mawdesley L40 3SY
Cost: £35 per person
Workshop Details:
The Open Studio day is for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or more experienced painter, just bring your paints, come along and paint. The idea is simple, it’s a day where you can use the studio in which to paint along side our other students, mingle, chat, asks questions, and also get help with your painting from myself (Chris).
During the day we will cover:
• This is entirely up to you, it’s your day and is about what you want to learn with your painting.
• We break for lunch around 12:30 pm and this is not provided. Although the lovely cafe is open 10am – 4pm or alternatively you are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
Extra Notes:
• The day begins at 10am and the doors will be open from 9:30am for you to arrive and get settled. There is also free onsite parking.
• Tea and Coffee is provided throughout the day.
• We break for lunch at 12:30pm until 13:15pm and resume until 4 pm.
Oil Painting Workshops Programme for September 2021 – August 2022
Unfortunately Barton Grange have suspended the use of their Workshop Room, due to the current pandemic situation. We are working very hard to resolve this issue and I am hopeful our Oil Painting Workshops will return in 2022.
Thank you for your patience and I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause at this time.
The six week course was well structured, each week we received instruction which we applied using and building on what we has covered previously. Instruction was thorough and it was amazing how much we achieved each week, starting with three quick charcoal sketches to develop drawing skills, then sketching on the supplied grounded canvas board and painting a challenging still life. All class members received individual advice every week. At the end of each class we hung the work for a group appraisal of each of the works. The atmosphere was very friendly. I can wholeheartedly recommend Chris McLoughlin’s oil painting classes to both new and experienced (like myself) oil painters.